Monday, 18 February 2013

IHSW was a success!!

IHSW was a huge success!! We had a long weekend here in Ontario, so I had 3 full days to stitch. I finished stitching the walls, and a bottom on my 3D miniature house. Then I stitched them together. I am half done stitching the roof. Next time I will choose a brown evenweave instead of stitching it. I didn't think it would take that long, but it is a lot of stitches. Here are my progress photos.

I should have time this week to finish the roof and then attach it to the walls.
No time to stitch on Plaid Trousers, but there will be plenty of time after the house is finished.

Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. Wow, that is looking great :-)

  2. Your miniature house is adorable! I haven't seen that project before.

  3. I hope you'll get the time to finish the roof soon bcos I am eager to see the completed design! : ) How wonderful!

  4. Your miniature house is cute!

    Happy Stitching
