Sunday, 21 February 2016

Secret Garden update 1

No stitching today.  I'm still colouring on the first page in the Secret Garden.  I am using a different green for each type of leaf, but it seems to take forever to colour one type of leaf on the page.
Colouring page before
Colouring page after
Now I'm off to play Nintendo Wii U Amiibo Festival with my sons (Jaspar & Jordyn) and Sarah (Jordyn's  girlfriend).


  1. Wonderful!! Yes I too have this book.. I love Joanna's books :)
    Happy colouring!!
    Smiles :)

  2. Beautiful! (Have you seen the embroidery Mary Corbet at Needle 'n Thread created from this book? After receiving permission from the artist, she stitched the hummingbirds. It is amazing.)

  3. Coloring is so much fun... and relaxing! Great job so far!

  4. Thank you for sharing your Coloring.. It's really pretty
