Monday 26 April 2021

Animal Crossing - Blue Joy Con Controller - update #3

Over the weekend I finished the blue (DMC 3766) half stitches (horizontally) which go from under the “B” button all the way to the bottom of the joy con controller.  
Tonight I will start crossing all of the blue half stitches (vertically) which stops it from warping. I will also try backstitching around the joy con controller to make it stand out from the blue fabric. Thanks Jo (Serendipitous Stitching) for your comment about backstitching or using a darker blue for a shadow.  We’ll see what I come up with after trying some colours.  I will do something similar to the green side or it will bother me that one side looks more complete.

1 comment:

  1. That's some very solid stitching! The stretching when it's framed will help a lot with any warping too.
