Friday 4 December 2020

SYOA - Flying Letters

I decided to mix it up a bit and do some letters at the top. They went faster than I thought they would, I only have 1 more letter to fill in above the Knight Bus. All the stitchers in the Facebook Group complained about how long to stitch because of the fractional stitches on the edges. I usually stitch with 2 or 3 needles at the same time because I backstitch as I go, so I don’t make a mistake with counting all the 1/4 stitches on the edge of the letters. 


  1. lots of encouragement coming your way for the letters - they will look great!!! lurve the phoenix - Fawkes is positively regal!!!

  2. Of course they went faster ... they are flying letters - superb work.

  3. The letter look great, laughing at Clare's comment too!
