Tuesday 1 December 2020

SYOA - Phoenix - Happy Dance!

I did complete the phoenix on Sunday, but it was too dark at night and yesterday was also dark and dreary with lots of rain.  Last night the rain turned into snow and today it is still snowing, but it is bright outside.  I finally got some more photos of my project.
The phoenix up close above Hogwarts.  I only had to substitute one floss colour.  It called for using Kreinik Vintage Amber, but I swapped it for DMC 3829 on his chest and wings.
Here is the top portion.  Do you think it needs some floating envelopes above the Knight Bus, Hogwarts and the Hogwarts Express Train to fill in the empty spaces?  The project is called Letters From Hogwarts.

This is my layout idea with the letters. Let me know if you think it is too much.  Do I really need them?  That would save me some stitching. :). Yes, the letter in the phoenix’s claws says SYOA AC2021, because I’m not expecting to finish this until early 2021.  Unless I get everything completed in the next 4 weeks.

Here is a photo of my wand with the 4 small house crests.

And finally the whole project so far.


  1. Stunning Ann, it's amazing. I think flying letters would be good, are you including Hedwig anywhere?

  2. I really like the letters! I think they would be worth the time spent stitching them.
    The Phoenix is wonderful, those colours are beautiful.

  3. Fawkes looks fantastic! I'm a bit behind with reading your posts, but your placement of the letters looks perfect... now to see if you stitched them there or changed your mind!
