Wednesday 27 May 2020

SYOA - Chapter 3 - Time Turner - colour change

I’d like to thank Jo at Serendipitous Stitching for her comments on the Time Turner.
“I love your rune stones!
I have to be honest and say the gold doesn’t show up terribly well in the photo. Have you considered stitching a line of brown around the yellow/gold? So it looks woven in the thread?”

I thought about her suggestion and decided that won’t work because I am only using 1 strand of floss for the backstitching,  I decided to frog the old colours and find a new one that would still look like gold but with a shade of brown.

Time Turner - old colours (metallic gold chain/DMC 729 pendant).
Time Turner - new colour (DMC 167 for both the chain/pendant and 746 for beads inside).
Here is how it looks from a distance.